Quest News: Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year
Thursday, December 20, 2007…It’s that time of year again. The snow is falling steadily and up on Schweitzer mountain the ski season is off to a great start. These days, with evenings in front a warm fire, our thoughts turn to so many of you who have joined in this amazing adventure. 2007 has been…
Quest News: Bruce Kennedy’s Legacy Honored
Thursday, October 18, 2007…Our open house this week provided an amazing opportunity to honor the legacy of our founding chairman Bruce Kennedy…to celebrate his life and his vision for a modern backcountry airplane that could carry humanitarian supplies and missionaries to remote areas around the world. Joyce Godwin (Quest Board Chairman) introduced Bruce’s wife Karleen…
Quest News: Board Elects New Chairman
Wednesday, August 1, 2007…Today the Quest Aircraft Board of Trustees unanimously elected Joyce Godwin as Chairman. Joyce has been with us from very early on having served on the Board since August 2002. She brings to this position an incredible wealth of experience in governance of both for-profit and non-profit organizations. We have benefited greatly…
Kodiak Certification: AirVenture 2007 Recap
Sunday, July 29, 2007 | Wittman Regional Airport, Oshkosh, Wisconsin … By all accounts AirVenture 2007 was one of the best Oshkosh air shows ever. Judging by the number of significant announcements (you know…the ones where the drape is removed and there’s actually something amazing underneath), it’s been a great year for aviation and a…
Kodiak Certification: FAA Grants Type Certification for KODIAK
Tuesday July 17, 2007 | Clayton Scott Field, Renton, Washington… It doesn’t get much bigger or better than this. We’ve done it! With the granting of TC A00007SE the FAA has certified the KODIAK. Jeff Duven (Manager of the FAA Seattle ACO) and Paul Schaller (President and CEO of Quest) seal the deal with a…
Kodiak Prodution: S/N 001 Joins Our Prototype in the Air
Tuesday, April 3, 2007 … Today we got to see something we’ve been anticipating since day one. Can you see the family resemblance? We’ll be carrying this photo in our wallets long after it’s faded and torn. When you start comparing all the refined details that have cometogether in 001, from the finished cockpit to…
Kodiak Production: S/N 001 Takes to the Skies
Friday, March 16, 2007 … Today was another giant leap in the history books at Quest as KODIAK serial number 001 lifted off the ground. We’ve had a flurry of activity over the last couple weeks as our crew has worked with the FAA to bring the last details together. By this afternoon, all the…
Kodiak Production: S/N 001 Successful Engine Test
Tuesday, February 27, 2007: Sandpoint ID… We witnessed tremendous team spirit and emotion in our crew today as the PT6 on N491KQ wound up for the first time! All went well, and first flight will be coming soon. This was a milestone event in the history of Quest Aircraft, as N491KQ is aircraft serial number…