Kodiak aircraft owners, operators and service providers are encouraged to contact Kodiak Care for assistance with a fault or failure requiring investigation to isolate the cause.
Kodiak Care
1031-A Airpark Lane
Sandpoint, ID 83864
Toll Free: (866) 263-1112
Phone: (208) 263-1111
Email: Care@daher.com
Sandpoint Airport Info
FAA Identifier: SZT
Lat/Long: N48-17.885 W116-33.820
Elevation: 2131 FT
Variation: 18E (1995)
Time zone: UTC -7 UTC -8 DST
For repair or replacement eligibility to be considered for warranty reimbursement, pre-approval must be obtained from Kodiak Care prior to commencement of work. (NOTE: Mandatory Kodiak Service Bulletins contain warranty eligibility information and do not require pre-approval.)
Submit a warranty inquiry and/or pre-authorization request by completing and submitting the form below: